Back in the Library World

After a brief career detour- thanks Covid- I’m back in the library world, currently working as a Library Assistant in a high school.

It is such a change working in a school library compared to a public library. One thing I noticed right away is that you do not need the same kind of “library radar” that you usually require in a public library; watching who’s coming in the building all the time, making sure people aren’t in the washroom for too long, confirming that sleepers are, in fact, sleeping etc. It is a much more controlled environment that I’m finding it more of a positive, relaxed environment than the public library. (Nothing against public libraries! I still love them, but when you have worked in rough areas and had to deal with drug overdoses and fist fights, it is nice having a more relaxing workspace.)

Another difference is that we catalogue all our books. Never in my 15 years in public libraries did I catalogue books, other than magazines, so that’s interesting to learn.

I have just started this temp assignment, and I know that I’ll want to be a librarian again in the near future but there is always the option of upgrading to get my teacher’s certificate and becoming a Teacher-Librarian.

But as for now, I’m content working as a Library Assistant, learning more about the workings of a school library, observing and learning from a wonderful Teacher-Librarian, all the while working in a peaceful, friendly school, filled with (mostly) lovely kids. 🙂