
In memory of Ernie Kreklewetz (1952-2012)

My Dad and I

I created this website in honour of my Dad, who was diagnosed with a brain tumour (glioblastoma multiforme or GBM) in January 2012. In December he started to show symptoms, including mood changes (that only made sense after the diagnosis), and weakness to the left side of his body, which he initially attributed to sciatica. After the weakness/loss of movement got increasing worse to where walking became difficult without assistance, he received a spinal tap and MRI, only to reveal a large GBM. Surgery took place shortly after, which was successful at removing the majority of the tumour. From there he was treated in rehab for approximately a month, where he regained mobility of his left arm and was able to walk again with the use of crutches. Things were looking hopeful and he soon returned home. The next part of treatment was to begin on March 8th, which was a combination of chemotherapy (Temozolomide) and radiation therapy. That day will remain in my memory as the day my world crumbled: as I gave him his first (and only) dose of 150mg Temozolomide and wished him well as he headed to his first radiation session, he returned home with horrible news- new scans showed that the tumor had grown back and they weren’t going to do anything. The tumor was growing too rapidly for treatment to have any effect and all that was left was palliative care. He entered hospice on March 13th at the Central Okanagan Hospice House, where my Mom and I helped care for him until he completed his journey on May 31st.

Needless to say, GBM is a devastating and deadly illness; one that needs more research so that a cure can be found. My intention for creating this website was to raise awareness of brain tumors, specifically GBMs, and provide reliable, up-to-date information. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.

Medical Disclaimer: The information included on this website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. The author of this website is not a medical doctor. (She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Master of Library and Information Science degree.)