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Ahmed, A. U., & Lesniak, M. S. (2011). Glioblastoma multiforme: Can neural stem cells deliver the therapeutic payload and fulfill the clinical promise?. Expert Review Of Neurotherapeutics, 11(6), 775-777. doi:10.1586/ern.11.65

Backes, C., Harz, C, Fischer, U., Schmitt, J., Ludwig, N., Petersen, B., Mueller, S. C., Kim Y., Wolf, N. M., Katus, H. A., Meder, B., Furtwängler, R., Franke, A., Bohle, R., Henn, W., Graf, N., Keller, A., Meese, E. (2014). New insights into the genetics of glioblastoma multiforme by familial exome sequencing. Clinical Bioinformatics.

Baehring, J. (2012). Glioblastoma multiforme– New approaches to therapy. Cancer Journal, 18(1), 11.

Champ, CE1, Palmer, J.D., Volek, J.S., Werner-Wasik, M., Andrews, D.W., Evans, J.J., Glass, J., Kim, L., & Shi, W. (2014). Targeting metabolism with a ketogenic diet during the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme. Neuro-Oncology, 117(1), 125-31.

Davis, M., & Mulligan Stoiber, A. (2011). Glioblastoma multiforme: Enhancing survival and quality of life. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing, 15(3), 291-297.

DeSouza, L. V., Matta, A., Karim, Z., Mukherjee, J., Simon Wang, X. X., Krakovska, O., & … Michael Siu, K. W. (2013). Role of moesin in hyaluronan induced cell migration in glioblastoma multiforme. Molecular Cancer, 12(1), 1-13. doi:10.1186/1476-4598-12-74

Dinca, EB. & Lacob, G. (2009). Current data and strategy in glioblastoma multiforme. Journal of Medicine and Life, 2(4), 386-393.

Dobelbower, M. C., Burnett, I. L., Nordal, R. A., Nabors, L. B., Markert, J. M., Hyatt, M. D., & Fiveash, J. B. (2011). Patterns of failure for glioblastoma multiforme following concurrent radiation and temozolomide. Journal of Medical Imaging & Radiation Oncology, 55(1), 77-81. doi:10.1111/j.1754-9485.2010.02232.x

Helseth, R. R., Helseth, E. E., Johannesen, T. B., Langberg, C. W., Lote, K. K., Rønning, P. P., & Meling, T. R. (2010). Overall survival, prognostic factors, and repeated surgery in a consecutive series of 516 patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 122(3), 159-167. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0404.2010.01350.x

Herbert, C. C., Williams, M. M., Sawyer, H. H., Greenslade, M. M., Cornes, P. P., & Hopkins, K. K. (2011). Treatment of glioblastoma multiforme with radiotherapy and concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide: Translation of randomised controlled trial evidence into routine clinical practice. Clinical Oncology, 23(5), 372-373.

Holland, E. C. (2000). Glioblastoma multiforme: The terminator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97(12), 6242-6244.

Hopewell, J. W., Gorlia, T. T., Pellettieri, L. L., Giusti, V. V., H-Stenstam, B. B., & Skold, K. K. (2011). Boron neutron capture therapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: An assessment of clinical potential. Applied Radiation & Isotopes, 69(12), 1737-1740. doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2011.03.022

Kanu, O. O., Mehta, A., Di, C., Lin, N., Bortoff, K., Bigner, D. D., Yan, H., & Adamson, D. C. (2010). Glioblastoma multiforme: A review of therapeutic targets. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 13(6), 701-18.

Krex, D., Klink, B., Hartmann, C., von Deimling, A., Pietsch, T., Simon, M., Sabel, M., Steinbach, J. P., Heese, O., Reifenberger, G., Weller, M., & Schackert, G. (2007). Long-term survival with glioblastoma multiforme. Brain, 130(10), 2596-2606.

Mahvash, M., Hugo, H., Maslehaty, H., Mehdorn, H., & Stark, A. (2011). Glioblastoma multiforme in children: Report of 13 cases and review of the literature. Pediatric Neurology, 45(3), 178-180. doi:10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2011.05.004

Manson, W. P., Del Maestro, R., Eisenstat, D., Forsyth, P., Fulton, D., Laperriere, N., Macdonald, D., Perry, J., & Thiessen, B. (2007). Canadian recommendations for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme. Current Oncology, 14(3), 110-117.

Maroon, J., Bost, J., Amos, A., & Zuccoli, G. (2013). Restricted calorie ketogenic diet for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme. Journal Of Child Neurology, 28(8), 1002-1008. doi:10.1177/0883073813488670

Medisetti, A. A., Jampana, R. R., Warner, N. N., & Blesing, C. C. (2012). Treatment of glioblastoma multiforme– The Oxford Cancer Centre Experience. Clinical Oncology, 24(2), 149-150. doi:10.1016/j.clon.2011.10.005

Michaelsen, S., Christensen, I., Grunnet, K., Stockhausen, M., Broholm, H., Kosteljanetz, M., & Poulsen, H. (2013). Clinical variables serve as prognostic factors in a model for survival from glioblastoma multiforme: an observational study of a cohort of consecutive non-selected patients from a single institution. BMC Cancer, 13(1), 1-11. doi:10.1186/1471-2407-13-402

Moustakas, A. & Kreisl, T. N. (2010). New treatment options in the management of glioblastoma multiforme: A focus on bevacizumab. Journal of OncoTargets and Therapy, 3, 27-38.

Vehlow, A., & Cordes, N. (2013). Invasion as target for therapy of glioblastoma multiforme. BBA – Reviews On Cancer, 1836(2), 236-244. doi:10.1016/j.bbcan.2013.07.001

Yang, L., Zhou, C., & Lin, Z. (2014). Temozolomide and radiotherapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme: A systematic review. Cancer Investigation, 32(2), 31-36. doi:10.3109/07357907.2013.861474

Xun, X, Stockhammer, F., & Schmitt, M. (2012). Cellular-based immunotherapies for patients with glioblastoma multiforme. Clinical and Developmental Immunology, 764213.


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