Rise in GBM Incidence in England

This new study found a significant increase in the incidence of GBM in England from 1995-2015. The conclusion suggests that “environmental or lifestyle factors may be responsible.” Read the full article from the Journal of Environmental and Public Health here.

Here’s are some tips from the Environmental Health trust to be safer with your technology usage: 10 Steps To Safer Technology At Home: How To Reduce Exposure To Wireless Radiation

Immune Cells Could Fight Brain Tumors

“Glioblastoma brain tumors can have an unusual effect on the body’s immune system, often causing a dramatic drop in the number of circulating T-cells that help drive the body’s defenses.

Where the T-cells go has been unclear, even as immunotherapies are increasingly employed to stimulate the body’s natural ability to fight invasive tumors.

Now researchers at Duke Cancer Institute have tracked the missing T-cells in glioblastoma patients. They found them in abundance in the bone marrow…”

Read more from Duke Health.

GBM and the Ketogenic Diet

Can a ketogenic diet help improve survival for GBMs? “Previous studies showed that GBM survival and tumor growth was correlated with blood glucose levels, i.e., the higher was the blood glucose, the shorter was the survival, and the faster was the tumor growth…” Read more here.