Monthly archives: September, 2017

Echo Report

I requested a copy of my echo report right when I was at the hospital, so it already arrived- that was fast! However, I found it concerning. I mean, I’m extremely grateful that this defect was found. It was a complete fluke that it was discovered and I’m so happy that it was before it …

A Hole, Eh?

I spent the entire weekend in panic mode, non-stop Googling and diagnosing myself with various diseases. I found out that an “urgent” referral means “significant potential for early intervention to save life/prevent hospitalization or functional impairment,” so that scared me, needless to say. What helped me get through this weekend was my mindfulness practice. In …

Urgent Referral?

Okay, now I’m scared. All was well in the world, as I worked away today, until I went on my break and checked my phone for messages. I had a voicemail from my GP saying to call back today to confirm an appointment with my specialist. My specialist? Say what? So I called my GP, …

The Beginning

Today I had my first echocardiogram. I wasn’t having any heart problems, nothing of the sort. I had been getting the veins fixed in one of my legs and in order to continue with schlerotherapy treatment- basically injecting foam into my veins so they stick closed and no longer bulge- I had to get an …