Tag «running»

More Running Success

I have two more successes to share! On May 20th I ran another half-marathon! (My goal is to run at least one every year.) This one I ran in honour of my late rabbit, Humphrietta, the sweetest rabbit that I adopted from the SPCA at age 9. She lived 10 years, and I made her …

Heart Half-Marathon!

Happy Heart Month everyone! In honour of this month, I did something very special- on February 1st I ran my very first half-marathon! I actually did it! ASD closure was June 2018, and I ran my first half-marathon February 2021 with ease. I took it slowly but managed to run the whole way, with the …

Annual Echo

I had my annual echocardiogram at the beginning of the month, and on Thursday I had a follow-up (phone) appointment with my cardiologist. I’m happy to report that my echo looked great! No issues whatsoever. My cardiologist may order me a holter monitor test just to check on things, as I mentioned that my heart …

Heart Race

I’ve been feeling so much better lately. My energy is improving all the time. No significant chest pain, and I’m recovering from workouts so much better than before. I can do a full hour on my elliptical relatively easily and feel completely fine the next day, as long as I have enough rest days. I …