Tag «eagle ridge hospital»

Heart Race

I’ve been feeling so much better lately. My energy is improving all the time. No significant chest pain, and I’m recovering from workouts so much better than before. I can do a full hour on my elliptical relatively easily and feel completely fine the next day, as long as I have enough rest days. I …

September Stress Test

This month marks one year since finding out I have an ASD! What better way to celebrate than by having a stress test 😛 I headed to ERH early this morning for my test with Dr. D. After putting on a gown and getting all the electrodes and belt attached to me, I was able …

Holter Monitor

On Tuesday/Wednesday I did my first Holter Monitor test. I went to hospital (ERH) at 2pm and they hooked me up to the device and sent me on my way. I kept a diary of any events that occurred and noted the time they happened. I had chest pain and shortness of breath while walking, heart …

The Beginning

Today I had my first echocardiogram. I wasn’t having any heart problems, nothing of the sort. I had been getting the veins fixed in one of my legs and in order to continue with schlerotherapy treatment- basically injecting foam into my veins so they stick closed and no longer bulge- I had to get an …