Tag «echo»

Fall Update

I had an echo done in September, a bit earlier than usual, because I was having a lot of cardiac symptoms over the summer- chest pain, shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, and fatigue. Turns out my echo was perfectly fine, but my low iron was causing all the symptoms! I finally got an iron infusion …

Annual Echo

I had my annual echocardiogram at the beginning of the month, and on Thursday I had a follow-up (phone) appointment with my cardiologist. I’m happy to report that my echo looked great! No issues whatsoever. My cardiologist may order me a holter monitor test just to check on things, as I mentioned that my heart …

Hello August

It’s already been two months since my ASD closure and things are going pretty well. I no longer have to see the Interventional Cardiologist (Cardiologist #2) anymore, so I’m down to only one Cardiologist. I saw both of them for a check-up the last week of July, as well as my GP, and I was …

Echo Report

I requested a copy of my echo report right when I was at the hospital, so it already arrived- that was fast! However, I found it concerning. I mean, I’m extremely grateful that this defect was found. It was a complete fluke that it was discovered and I’m so happy that it was before it …

Urgent Referral?

Okay, now I’m scared. All was well in the world, as I worked away today, until I went on my break and checked my phone for messages. I had a voicemail from my GP saying to call back today to confirm an appointment with my specialist. My specialist? Say what? So I called my GP, …

The Beginning

Today I had my first echocardiogram. I wasn’t having any heart problems, nothing of the sort. I had been getting the veins fixed in one of my legs and in order to continue with schlerotherapy treatment- basically injecting foam into my veins so they stick closed and no longer bulge- I had to get an …