Tag «holter monitor»

Holter Monitors and ER Marathons

I got the Holter Monitor last week, as seen in the above image. I had it for the regular 24 hours, and I made sure to exercise, even though I had to force myself, so I could see how my heart responded to physical activity. I’ll be following up with the Internist, Dr. G., tomorrow, …

Welcome Fall

I’m back from the dead. Not really. I shouldn’t say that in the context of this blog! I just mean to say that I haven’t updated in quite some time. My health hasn’t been great lately, so I’ve been seeing specialist, after specialist to get to the bottom of things. Yesterday I saw an Internist. …

Hello August

It’s already been two months since my ASD closure and things are going pretty well. I no longer have to see the Interventional Cardiologist (Cardiologist #2) anymore, so I’m down to only one Cardiologist. I saw both of them for a check-up the last week of July, as well as my GP, and I was …

Holter Monitor

On Tuesday/Wednesday I did my first Holter Monitor test. I went to hospital (ERH) at 2pm and they hooked me up to the device and sent me on my way. I kept a diary of any events that occurred and noted the time they happened. I had chest pain and shortness of breath while walking, heart …