Tag «transcatheter device»

Surgery Day

Surgery Day finally arrived! My day started at 5am with pre-surgerical instructions to drink a cup of juice at this early (dreadful) hour. 😉 Then I went for a little walk, got ready, and headed to New Westminster with my mom. I got a phone call shortly afterward that they could take me in earlier than …

Sign Me Up!

So I’m getting the device! No open heart surgery for me, assuming all goes as planned. 🙂 I met cardiologist #2 today- the interventional cardiologist, who seemed really great. He answered my long list of questions, from my worries of a nickel allergy, to making sure I could still run a half-marathon with the device. …

TEE Anyone?

I met Dr. L, my cardiac surgeon, yesterday. As stressed as I was for this appointment, he put me at ease, as he’s very nice and laid back- not intimidating at all. If he does end up doing my surgery, I’ll feel very confident in his hands. He actually may not be doing my surgery, …