I’ve been feeling so much better lately. My energy is improving all the time. No significant chest pain, and I’m recovering from workouts so much better than before. I can do a full hour on my elliptical relatively easily and feel completely fine the next day, as long as I have enough rest days. I really wanted to start training for my ultimate goal- running a half-marathon- but I think that may be pushing it. It’s deceiving because exercise feels so much easier when I’m doing it now, since I’m can breathe normally, that it’s very easy to push myself too hard and then end up sick. So I’m playing it safe. I still want to race, of course, but I’ll stick to 10km for right now.

There’s another reason why I want to get back into racing. I want to sign up for a races and raise money for cardiac causes. I want to give back and show my gratitude. ❤ As it’s quoted: “Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” -Henri Frederic Amiel. I expressed my gratitude to RCH, the hospital where I had my surgery, by donating a heart to their Wall of Gratitude (see previous post) and now I want to give back to the hospital where it all began. Eagle Ridge Hospital (ERH) is where I had my very first echo, which revealed my ASD. If you’ve read my blog, you know the rest of the story. I was referred to my fabulous cardiologist, who just happens to be ERH’s Cardiology Department Lead, and was seen and assessed very quickly, receiving excellent care along the way. I had follow up tests- holter monitor, stress test, echo, cardiac follow-ups etc.- at ERH, and I’m so grateful for the amazing care I received. Therefore, I want to sign up for a race and raise money for ERH’s Cardiology department to show my gratitude and help other heart patients, as well.
I signed up for the BMO 8km in May. How I would love to run the BMO half-marathon, but again, I think that would be pushing it. There’s always the Okanagan Marathon in October! I’m starting to collect pledges from family and friends and hope to present ERH Foundation with a fat cheque in spring!
❤ Heart Race ❤